I am happy today because, after days of no sleep, because of my excitement to finish the course successfully. I manage in the end and complete all the requirement to get the certification for the course marketing & communication at Schouten & Nelissen University of Applied Sciences, SUAS. This is a module of the HBO Bachelor Bedrijfskunde (Business Management) which is four years long study. The complete programme is the following:

During the study process, I deeply understand the role of marketing and communication inside a company. How a company chose their values and communicate them internally as externally, based on their strategy. For me as marketing professional is my work to create a plan to achieve their communicational and marketing goals.
In this context, I immerse myself into models such as the Michel’s Communicational Canvas. Later, using KPI’s for the company to study and design a communicational plan. It seems simple, but you need to investigate carefully all aspect of the company, such as: policy, products & brands, possible scenarios, customer journey; marketing instruments, implementation of Sustainable Goals policy and trends in the sector.
Finally, my goal is to implement this knowledge into agricultural fields, online marketing and sustainability. I know, these topics are trendy due to Artificial Intelligent, e-commerce and the issues behind CO2-emissions. For me is probably the challenge to support a company in their marketing and communicational strategy. Please, call me if you have any interesting marketing and communication project.
Reactions: Paula Rook at paula@flyingwinewriter.com
First post here.