By Paula Rook
I’ll present a summary of the SMETA audit for a company in The Netherlands. To comprise the large amount of information I decide to talk about SMETA as methodology explaining how it works and examples of one day audit.
SMETA is a methodology worldwide used to achieve sustainability and create transparency along the supply chain. SEDEX has a list of audit trusted companies able to execute the audit. The themes for evaluation are: labor standards, health and safety, environment and business ethics. The ethical code initiative is the base of the two first components. When the audit is planned, the company should already have an information system to ensure the documents are available and meet the first questionnaire assessment. During the process it wil be necessary to use the risk assessment tool. The company has to decide when the audit takes places and be open for the entire system which is mostly interviews and site tour. The end of the audit is clear when you see the final report for actions or follow-up procedure.
I have a lot pleasure reviewing this chapter, specially because it gives value to companies aim to become sustainable and innovative.
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