By Paula Rook for
In Helmond, The Netherlands is organized by Foodtechbrainport an event; to show the process in which colostrum becomes powder. I meet the owner of Colostrum Processing Joop Nohlmans. He started accidentally the business by working for a Belgian company who later when bankrupt and left him with liters of colostrum. He understands that by transforming this into powder he could obtain a financial reward; which is now his core business. The production is going well however, his goal is to increase production in the long term and eventually change to a new segment for a better price.
We saw all the technology used by Bodec in the process and it calls images from the time I was working in the process of making wine. The production of milk and colostrum of cause, are only industrial products. We do not find premium brands. In the presentation, they talk about Inmunoglobulina as a key element and how it will be consumed which are marketing tools thanks to several scientific studies. The production should respect the components in colostrum for this reason they avoid steps where high temperature play a negative role.
I wonder if the main objective of Foodtechbrainport is supporting with a design the needs of the agro sector; one of the needs is minimizing waste. A scenario where the production of colostrum powder should increase, it does mean as a conclusion that the company has to search for more waste? or do they mean making more powder with the same amount of colostrum? In The Netherlands are 1.69 million cows and the production of colostrum has natural and economic restrictions. Here we have to make a list of the factors. The maximum production should be at least in the positive scenario.
At the end of the event, we had a wine talk. I speak with Jan Dijkshoorn advisor at Uticon Engineering Consultancy. We drink red wine together. He says that the company does the installation of the machines and organizes the systems for water transport. We talk about the production of milk in Chile, he did not like the taste either. Are they doing the wrong process?
Little by little, I find all the people involved in the agro sector in The Netherlands. I realize the connection between them and their organizations. Innovation and circular economy remain on my mind. Exist an open communication between companies and ideas are created much easier. My question is: Why calves do not drink the total production of colostrum? Do we need to innovate on this subject first? Finally, the first part of transportation is in my opinion long, instead of having a central point of collection.
Read also the contraindications for the consumption of this product!
Paula Rook, Engineer in Agronomy. Agribusiness and technology specialized in wine innovation.
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