Dutch Design Week

Dutch Design Week part 3: Space farming

Today I visited Evoluon to see the space farm exhibition. I saw a combination of reality and fiction. The reality was the journey into space and the experience of astronomer André Kuipers on the space station. He explained what it was like to live in space and that in the beginning; he got sick and …

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Dutch Design Week

Impressions Dutch Design Week 2019 Eindhoven, The Netherlands

By Paula Rook for FlyingWineWriter Dutch Design Week was held in Eindhoven between 19 and 27 October. The largest design event in Northern Europe presents the work and concepts of 2600 designers to 350,000 visitors in total. This year’s theme is: ” If not now, then when?” I am looking for ideas in the field of: 1. biodiversity, 2. circular economy, 3. climate …

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